Who is Shawn Ray?

POWERLIFTING champion Shawn Ray took the bodybuilding community by storm in the early 2000s. But who is he and what is his health and fitness lifes...

September 5, 2023
2:24 PM

POWERLIFTING champion Shawn Ray took the bodybuilding community by storm in the early 2000s. But who is he and what is his health and fitness lifestyle like? Here's everything you need to know. 1 Shawn Ray is a well-known bodybuilder Credit: Instagram Who is Shawn Ray? Shawn Ray, born December 9, 1965, is an American professional bodybuilder. Despite his non-athletic childhood in Placentia, California, the world champ boasts an impressive career of more than 30 years. Ray's passion for strength training began during his college years - when he won pro status at National Championships in 1987.

Salma Ouaguira